Windows Server 2003 and 2003 R2 End Of Life After July 2015

Windows Server 2003 and 2003 R2 End Of Life After July 2015

Rest in Peace Windows Server 2003

Attention business owners and IT professionals, if you haven’t heard yet Microsoft is discontinuing support for Windows Server 2003 after July 2015. This does not mean Windows  Server 2003 will stop working, but any future attacks aimed at vulnerable components on these platforms won’t be patched. Using unsupported software may increase the risks of viruses and other security threats. Which will lead to loss of confidentiality, integrity, and or availability of data, and downtime, so Do NOT Risk it!


If you care about staying HIPPA compliant, running Windows Server 20003 post July 14, 2015 will be a huge violation to it, because of the threats it presents. Health care entities must have “procedures for guarding against, detecting and reporting malicious software” in place for more info about HIPPA Please visit HIPAA Security Rule section 164.308(a)(5)(ii)(B), for more details.

Nevada IT Solutions can help you migrate from Windows Server 2003 to a newer supported version of Windows Server, and mitigate any risk to the interruption in your business.

Call us for a free assessment. Nevada IT Solutions, is a computer services company that’s based in Northern Nevada.

Who we are : Reno IT Consulting company, focuses on helping small business with their IT needs. Reno Technology company, Cloud Provider, Managed IT Services.